Gigi's Journal - October 28, 2012
One of my all-time favorite songs is a song by Switchfoot, a
contemporary Christian band. Today the
words are rolling around in my mind and are making this melancholy season of my
life a little more meaningful.
Yesterday is a wrinkle on your forehead
Yesterday is a promise that you’ve broken
Don’t close your eyes, don’t close your eyes
This is your life and today is all you’ve got now
Yeah and today is all you’ll ever have
This is your life, are you who you want to be?
This is your life, is it everything you dreamed that it would be when
the world was younger and you had everything to lose.
There are many memories trapped in our heads. Sometimes you’ll catch a scent of something
and that smell with reach into the depths of your mind and grab a memory and
bring it to the forefront of your thoughts.
For me it was walking into the foyer of a Japanese Steakhouse. The combination of the cedar on the walls and
cooking oil brought fond memories of being at Granny and Granddad Bradberry’s
Old Place. Every time.
Photographs dredge up some thoughts and others surface with
places, words and voices. However they
come, they come. It’s a mystery how the
mind works to organize those thoughts and memories. Crossing the state line from Florida into
Alabama, where FL highway 71 ends and AL highway 53 begins is one of those
places for me.
This past Thursday I decided to go to Alabama to do some
family research and visit family. I
would go alone, stay in a hotel and bother no one while I rolled around in the
memories - both beautiful and bittersweet.
And then my Mother called. I
mentioned that I was planning this impromptu trip and found myself inviting
her. We made plans and Friday morning we
met in Lake City to start our short but memory-packed journey.
As we approached the FL/AL state line, like every other
time, I could feel the whirlwind of emotion welling up in my core. As I’ve researched my family from this part
of the world I’ve become attached to the idea that this is part of where I’m
from, these are the people, most of them long gone, that made me who I am. This place that was settled by my people
almost 200 years ago is where I started.
Not literally. I never lived
here. I grew up hundreds of miles
away. But this is where my memories were
made, where my obsession with family began and continues. The good, the bad, the happy and the sad –
my heart is from this place.
As a child memories were forged here that later events could
build upon. The memories of those before
me, sharing their stories through the years, became my memories. Not near old enough to remember some of those
events but they became real to me.
One memory I have is one cultivated from hearing his story
from many family members over the years.
I wasn’t born yet; I wasn’t a witness – yet, I remember because someone
shared his story with me. My grandfather
was 32 years old when he died in a traumatic automobile accident not far from
his home, where his wife and five children were waiting for his return. My Mother was 12 and the oldest child. I’ve heard her story about his death. I’ve heard the other children tell the story
of their Father’s death. I’ve heard my
Grandmother’s story of his death. I’ve
heard the story of his death from other relatives. I’ve read the newspaper account and the cold,
hard facts represented on his death certificate.
When we got to Clayton Church cemetery that Sunday morning,
I was struck by the contrast of the old rundown church building, embraced by a
beautiful living oak tree and a dead tree in front of the building. I snapped a photo and didn’t think
twice. That photo sits on a wall in my
living room as a representation of the fact that old things pass away. And while they pass on, and fresh, new life
grows all around it, the old things linger as a memory.
I made a mental list of the things I wished to accomplish on
this present day journey. First stop,
vital statistics office. I made a list
of death certificates that I wanted to obtain for genealogical purposes. All but one were over 25 years gone and
didn’t require anything more than information and money to obtain. There was one that I wanted that was more
recent but I had the qualifications needed to obtain it.
I also had a made a mental list of those who I wanted to
visit while in town. Aunt Gayle, my
cousins Allan and Paula, Uncle Truman and Aunt Clyde, older cousin Nell and
another older cousin, Ona Lee. Time was
short and I prepared to locate the older cousins and hoped they were well
enough for a visit and dreaded finding out I might have been too late. Then, somehow, I needed to fit in a visit to
that old church and tree again.
We met up with Aunt Gayle and my cousin Allan for breakfast
on Saturday. After that I made a stop at
the public library. While there, I
received a call from my cousin Diane and a plan to visit Nell was made. She warned me that her Mother, Nell, has
little recollection of people any longer.
I was appreciative of that information and let her know that this visit
was more for us. I needed to see Nell.
As a child, I had visits with Nell. She is three years older than my
Mother. However, during the last 21
years, I have made an effort to visit Nell and Theo (her husband) every time I
went to Cottonwood. On several of those
visits I would request my visit during supper just so I could eat Nell’s
cooking. Her Mother and my Grandmother
were sisters. Her cooking is my
Grandmother’s cooking. Being in her home
and visiting was a reminder of my Grandmother.
She is the one, to me, that reminds me most of my Grandmother. Personality-wise, they were very different. However, there was always something that
reminded me of Grandmom. After Grandmom
died, I relied on my visits with Nell “to bring me back”.
Diane and I arranged to meet at 2:30 PM at Nell’s
house. Mother and I would visit Uncle
Truman and Aunt Clyde at 12:30 PM. It
was 11:20 AM, so I had about an hour to get to Cottonwood and get to the old
Clayton Church.

Our visit lasted just short of two hours. Aunt Clyde, while her body is declining, her
mind seems all there. Our visit was
We made our way to visit Nell. We arrived and were greeted by Diane. It was so nice to see her. She asked her Mother if she knew who we
were. Hoping against hope that she would
smile and say, “but of course”. That
wouldn’t happen today. She smiled and
said, “No, I don’t”. For a moment, my
heart hurt. I wanted her to remember
me. The more I thought of that the more
I realized that it was more important that I remembered her! I’m the one that needed to remember her. Those memories of coming to visit her made ME
happy. Nell remembering me didn’t cause
those amazing feelings I get when I drive through Cottonwood to exist. And Nell not remembering me didn’t make them

My Mother and I talked on the way home how we were glad we
got to visit with Nell and disappointed that we ran out of time to see Ona
Lee. It was a good visit.
The old tree at Clayton Church used to be young and
vibrant. Though I didn’t have an
opportunity to see it when it was young, I can imagine it looked much like the
others around it. While I’ve been
watching it as an old tree now I have begun to see it start to
deteriorate. The feelings I had when I
saw it had fallen to the ground were powerfully disappointing. As if I could change the course of the tree’s
destiny and even if I could, would I?
But instead, limited by my own mortality, chose to see the beauty in its
fallen state. Thinking about the tree as
it used to be, allowed it to become what it is today. Though I must admit, I’m afraid that the next
time I visit, it will no longer be there.