Gigi's Journal - March 29, 2012

It's been a very full couple of weeks!  The Girls and their parents came for a visit and #1 Grandson has been visiting this week!

The Girls turned 8 months old yesterday.  Hard to believe how far we've come in the last year or so.  Just one year ago we were starting to get a picture of the trouble ahead for little Emerson.  She may be gone but certainly is not forgotten.  The hole that Emerson's loss has left in her parent's hearts, however, isn't completely healed yet.  Certainly, as time goes by, remembering her will be less and less painful.  Until then - prayers, peace and patience as they continue their journey.

Now for some pictures!
Oliver went to Disney and got a "mask".  He
sat very still while it was painted on!

Helping Papa with the fish pond.

Lennon loves the turtle!

Lennon and Uncle Jeff

Coeur d'Lane and her G-Grandmom

Coeur and her daddy on her first "train" ride.

Gigi and the Girls on the "train".

Steph, Fisher and Brooke.

The Girls first beach experience!

The Girls with their parents and their G-Grandparents!

Papa, Gigi and The Girls!

Coeur and Lennon playing on the blanket that their G-Grandmother
in Oregon made and playing with The Three Bears that belonged to
their GG-Grandmother!

Two beauties!


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