Gigi's Journal - October 1, 2011

Today was Emerson's Memorial Service.  It was a private time with close family and friends.  For those who were unable to attend I will attempt to share some highlights.  

The service was held on the front lawn at Aunt Lisa's home.  The weather was beautiful and the air was crisp.  There were about 40 people in attendance.  

The service opened up with the song Fire and Rain by James Taylor.  After the song Pastor Josh Greene shared some scriptures, spoke a word of encouragement for those who mourn and said a powerful prayer.

Michaela Stivers was next.  She sang an emotion-pack version of I'll Fly Away.  Michaela is Brooke's cousin.  I heard her tell Brooke, just before the service, that she was worried that she would cry during the song.  Brooke told her not to look at her :-)  The first verse went well.  She sang without accompaniment and sang in perfect pitch.  And then she looked at Brooke.  Tears started flowing and she could no longer sing.  She was overwhelmed with emotion.  Aunt Lisa came up and stood next to her and put her arm around her.  Michaela picked up right where she left off and completed the song.  It was precious.

Carol Harston, Brooke's co-worker, came up and shared some scriptures of encouragement and hope.  

Aunt Lisa shared her powerful story of how Emerson has affected us all.  How loved she is and we won't forget her.   Aunt Lisa also read a letter from Kristy, Brooke's sister, to Emerson.  It was full of hope for a little girl when there seemed to be no hope.  

Carol returned to share the hope we have that one day we will see Emerson again.  That she isn't gone but lives on in our hearts.

Aunt Kim closed the service with a powerful prayer of hope and peace.  The song Blackbird by the Beatles finished that part of the service.

We went inside and I share a video of Emerson's short life.  After that we enjoyed plenty of good food!

When the sun set, we went back outside and lit lanterns.  After they were lit, we released them with a thought of Emerson.  

Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning


  1. The lanterns are absolutely beautiful!

  2. Sounds like a beautiful service. Thanks for sharing.

  3. So sweet. Praying peace over everyone tonight. Love to all of you!

  4. {tears} so beautiful! Thank you for sharing.


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