Gigi's Journal - May 11, 2011

Twenty four weeks and two days.
Today's visit with Dr. T went very well. He took a look at the girl's hearts and they look perfect. He looked carefully for any signs of a problem from the surgery and there are none, thank God.
Coeur d'Lane weighs 1 pound 7 ounces and Lennon weighs 1 pound 2 ounces (Lennon finally slowed down enough for a lovely 3D picture!). They are about 12 inches long now. During this time cells in the lungs begin to develop something called surfactant which will help air sacs in the lungs hold oxygen when they are born. As a precaution, in the event of premature delivery, Dr. T is recommending steroids which help this process. Actually, he doesn't see any indication of preterm delivery and is hopeful that Brooke will carry them a couple of more months. She's doing so well that he wants to see her back in two weeks.
I am very proud of Brooke and Chris.

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