Today is a day that means a lot to me. Not just because I'm Somebody's Mother but because I get to help Somebody become a Mother. I like to think that it's more than the fact that I run in and catch Someone's baby. On Mother's Day each year, I think of the midwives that helped me become Somebody's Mother (Bobbie, Monte and Linda). How they held my hand, told me I could do it and silently supported me through the process. No rush, no hurry - just waited. To become Somebody's Mother is much more than pushing a baby out. The befores, durings and afters of that moment are critical. There are many Somebodies who have Mother's that never pushed a baby out. My all-time hero of the modern Midwifery movement is Gladys Milton. In 1958, Gladys Milton, wife and mother of seven children, was approached by the Florida Department of Health to become a "lay" midwife to rural Florida. What was supposed to be an effort by the powers that be to provi...