
Showing posts from 2017

30 Things My Kids (and anyone else) Should Know About Me

#25 What’s your favorite holiday and why? It seemed right to skip over 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24 to post about this one :)   My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving.  Always has been.  The origin, according to my Google search, is i n "1621, the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians shared an autumn harvest feast that is acknowledged today as one of the first  Thanksgiving  celebrations in the colonies." Some may associate Thanksgiving with a time for family to gather together.  My definition of family: friends=family, family=friends. Thanksgiving is about breaking bread (watching football) with the people in your life that you care about.  

Generations later ...

This weekend something pretty amazing happened but before I share let me preface with a few thoughts.  As with most thoughts, they are the opinion and expression of the one who is feeling them.   Those around may not share the same opinion or thoughts, not because they are wrong, necessarily, but because they view their experiences from a different lens.  My husband has tried desperately to find his place in his extended family.  As a small child, the formative years, he developed strong bonds with the elders of his tribe.  However, for a season he was removed from those people and missed  critical connection with his family.  As a young adult, he was reintroduced, but he missed so much in the separation.  This last few days have been nothing short of miraculous.  It started out with visiting his “brother” Jimmy, Leigh-Ann, John, cousins Mary and Kevin.  If that were the end of the journey, it would have been wonderful but it was ...