Gigi's Journal - December 29, 2011

7 months pregnant with our first baby. There was no finding out what you were having via ultrasound prior to birth. We would have to wait until his birth. We had two names picked out - Jennifer Ann or Timothy James. I was due on December 20, 1978. During the first week of December Ray and I decided on Christopher James if it was a boy. Never gave the name "Chris Schmidt" being born around Christmas one thought! Just days old in this picture! Looking back I think labor started around 7:30 AM on December 28, 1978. I remember waking up at 7:30 with a backache, 8:00 backache, 8:30 backache, etc. Throughout the day the backache became more frequent. I had a clinic appointment that day and mentioned to the other women waiting to be seen that I was having this backache every 10 minutes. One of the women assured me I was in labor. It was 3:30 PM and this was the first thought that I might be in labor! I remember...